Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Have your own Coffee Shop !

This, or should I say any, job is never done for me. Of course there are actual, fairly substantial, original and necessary items still undone (think closet doors ) and the on-going attempts to control water in Mvd., but I could tinker with it endlessly.
I won't.

There's loads to learn about baking and keeping things fresh. This is not as tiring as carpentry, but close.
The down side: how fat are we gonna get?

Check this link to the last job; San Salvador  or if interested, some job photos from the US here.

Restored woodwork at San Salvador
The next Coffee Shop might be a commission, you never know.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Easy does it

The menu is a little limited for now, but we keep it fresh and full of what we have at the moment.

There's been very little drama over not having this or that. People do have a lot of questions though...

What exactly is a burrito?

A close friend living in Majorca is visiting. That's Cecilia Carambula in the center. The guy to her right is Fernando Gonzalez and knows Janine from Mvd. but then met  Cecilia while he was living in Majorca. He did not know they were connected until we bumped into him on the street not long ago.
Weird, right?
And now here they all are together.

We're leaving this.

Luca is a big help.

Yes, we occasionally use child labor.
Guess who's exploiting whom?

Eat something or get out. Just kidding.

You can find us on Facebook if you do that, but I can't tell you how. Don't know.
Try this........, let me know how it works would someone?


Monday, December 5, 2011

Stereo Needed

Here's my Spanish email begging for a relic we can use. Problem is people use relics here.

Estamos buscando un 'stereo' viejo o amplificador para Coffee Shop. Si algien tiene uno que na use o para vender barato, se los agradecemos.

Janine is the real author of that. Holla.

We'd like to improve the music at Coffee Shop. No I don't mean I'm cutting back on Bright Eyes; it's the sound system that needs something.

They don't have one.

So we are looking for an amp (w/receiver or not), hopefully some unused and working 'in' ports to plug in some digital music.

Our personal architect and angel investor, Ximena stopped by with Matias strapped and Paulina in tow. Here's Janine grilling Pauli on any stereo equipment she may be hording. Oh she cracked, says she's got a horsey. We're analysing that for now.

This may not seem like an urgent need or need at all (I know I'm/it's annoying to beat the bushes this way), but we're fishing:(

Poco Gente (not many customers) yet. Not a complaint, just a report. I think the summer is not the big season for the city and a new business must be sniffed out throroughly before being committed to.

We're cool with that.

So, pass by, eat something nice and take a rest.

Ed Brindell
Distrist Supervisor
Coffee Shop Worldwide Ltd.
Branchville, Az.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We're Open !

We thought a 'soft' opening would be the most appropriate as we are quite unsure of ourselves.

No idea of how much or how little to make of anything, my Spanish, the unpredictability of our suppliers. 

Well, we are doing it and things are going quite well. Slow, but well.

So, if you've been waiting......come on down. We are Bulevar Espana at Franzini, just across from the plazita.

Check us out on Facebook, try Janine's page or Coffee Shop, I'm not sure how it works exactly.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Occupy Montevideo

How's that for a headline grabber! I'm not sure of the connection, but GO EVERYONE!

No posts and now this.
I'll be tweeting before long. KMN.

I'd much prefer to set up a slide show of the completely finished project, complete with an endearing soundtrack (btw don't rule this out), but the reality is that it may never be finished. Completely.
Anyway, what is?

The finishing touches are the most fun and when I can find time to snap a photo, I'm doin' it.

I'm finding my stride as the designer here, but I try to stay aware of my influences.

I am a fan of HBO's 'Boardwalk Empire' not only because of the great drama, actors and scripts, but my dearest friend (and Coffee Shop underwriter) Holly 'Hollywood' J. Moore will be back working on all those impressive sets for next season.

It's a long way from a good idea in your head to nailing it up, but seeing that good work and Holly's approach to it make for some serious inspiration.

Where's my painting?

I am clearly unqualified to stretch these signs, but I'm heading back with our hair dryer. Show that freakin' sign what-for.

I don't know how ready we will be on Monday, but HereinUruguay tm it's not the biggest deal.  Everybody is way mellow, but it seems they are hungry. People stop in all day long. I worry that I won't be able to feed all who come (who are we the Red Cross?), but I'm hedging our bets, banking on a cautious exploration by the neighborhood.

After we kill 'em with Janine's great food, then we can start worrying about not having it together.

I should have the signs finished this weekend and we plan to cook a lot. We can only make things for a few days; it has to be fresh. So we can practice on friends and ourselves and work on our systems.

No, we don't actually have a system. Eh.

I'm using a calculator you can buy from a vending machine: compare with phone.
Segafredo, evil or benign?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ready to pull the trigger

It's done..............

or is it?

I still have some things to do, original and necessary things, but they can wait.
We are stocking, testing (yum) and trying to come up with a system.

It's been fun to make a replica of a coffee shop, but where's the manual?

Ok, have a look then.  I can't take a decent picture with this camera.

In fact, any defects you notice are entirely the fault of the camera.

Harsh lighting, needs work.

 We're still working out the placement of things.
Our first menu needs some attention too.

It's readier every day.
The latest: Monday looks good. Vamos aver.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ya llegamos

"you don't have to tell me, I know I look tired"
- Louden Wainwright III

The kitchen? Put it right here.
 I get that a lot and yes, I am tired.

I also get some not-too-subtle hints that I could have/should have gone faster. I know that too, but you see I didn't know how.

I hired or asked for help whenever I thought it could fit. This is telling; is it me or here that makes the 'fit' problematic?

Fully formed companies and Uruguayan versions of myself (contractors) were priced too high when I dared to even check.

Friends, family and favors made up what help we did have. For the most part, we did everything ourselves.

Our niece Ximena, turned my drawings into blue prints and officially filed them. So many good ideas and recomendations came from her. We can never thank her enough, but thanks Xime!

My friend Antonio (Chero) Carambula helped with carpentry part-time for a dozen weeks more or less. He was a big help and is always patient with me. I don't know how I would have managed someone without some English and an appreciation (or fear) of my expectations regarding accuarcy.  Alas, in the end even he found my overbearing presence too much.

Another pal, Gonzalo (Mono) Gutierrez was there on and off for most of the project, usually part-time. Apparently I don't know anyone who can work a full week, at least not for the meager pay I offer.  Actually the pay wasn't too terrible, but keeping a steady roster is fraught with difficulties.
He helped transport, translate and was there to listen as I figured things out aloud. We demo'd walls, scraped, mixed cement together and when finishing time came, his painting skills saved the day.
A big part was of his help (or sometimes just visits) was the much needed company. Yeah, I'm island, but a visitor now and again doesn't hurt.

WiFi installation, yeah!
Our biggest local booster is my sister-in-law Cecilia. She opted to diminished her official role, not being ready to run a busy day-to-day business, but that has allowed her to 'unofficially' be there for the really important stuff. She's financed, co-signed and used her considerable connections to make sure we weren't pushed around. She loves nothing more than a dust up when her loved ones are under fire.
bench appearance
When decorating time came around, her secret craft skills (who knew?) and design sense were unvailed to everyone's delight.

My parents came through when the chips were down.
No way we'd have made it without their help. I only wish they could be here to see the results in person. Maybe someday. Thanks for your sacrifices.

There are more to thank. I will do my best to aknowledge everyone who helped, supported and cheered us on.

So now it's time to make the donuts. Well, that's one of the few things we are actually buying already made. I'll explain Pangiorno another time, but we've got some baking to do.

There are still a few minor details to finish and we are not fully stocked yet. The sign and the last few things should all be here this week.

Opening day? I dunno, you tell me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Winding down

Well that works out since we're out of just about everything else too. We are weeks away, however that's just for the renovation. Although we have 'secured' most providers and equipment, actually 'having' the stuff is another story.

We have a firm date for delivery of the oven and freezer. A used 'fridge is on site. Our coffee vender has been chosen, but I don't know when they will be bringing the machines.
Still waiting for Coke. Nothing firm on a bottled water yet. You can't believe how casual sales people are about returning messages.

We have the couch and coffee table complete with puffs tucked under for extra seating. The tables are done except for staining the edges and we are waiting for a blacksmith to finish making the bases. Should be this week.

We bought some pretty low budget chairs for now. Janine had a work party and all 15 were sanded and a few stained. They're all ready to go now so next delivery from our house should really fill the place

Cecelia entertains the girls with stories.
Virginia (L), Daniella (C) and Anita (standing) get it done.

Inside the place is really shaping up. I have more things to do than I care to list, but somehow it's getting finished.

The benches are nearly done. The floor ended up just fine. All that worry for nothing.

One of the new bathrooms is quite small. Our plumber is 'poco gordo'. When the two must meet, well see for yourself.

Ok, the next post should have something worth looking at.

If you are near, we should see you soon eh?

Novemos, ciao.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We try to direct every ounce of energy toward the opening, which is just around the corner. Yeah, it's probably a corner a few blocks away, but it is a corner.

Here's a Orange Chiffon Cake by Janine and it came out fabulous.
Light (chiffone - duh), moist, sweet and just a little tart.  This will go on the menu for sure.

Still on the hunt for a case or 'Vitrina'. This less than impressive used model was in a workshop of a guy who manufactures all kinds.
It wasn't wide enough and the small size and curved glass make it look kind of goofy. Glass of different (and too thin) sizes was used for repairs as well. Another dead end. The process has proven more difficult than we thought.
This guy and his shop was no exception although he did make follow up calls.
Even with shops that custom fabricate it's no sure thing. Big shops are busy and when they discover your order is small, the salesman you must pass through, becomes hard to reach. Small shops can be too casual, with half restored models that might work if we put up half the money and hope they finish it.
Too risky; with the look of those shops it's likely we'd wait a long time just to be dissapointed.

Meanwhile the work continues. The weather is getting nicer by the day.  I cleaned up out front a little.
That corner is a magnet for trash and Montivedo streets have plenty. We plan to put a small wall around our patio area to help control the debris and separate that space for tables. Maybe some planters on top, an awning, a sandwich board announcing daily specials?

I've put the over-the-door sign frame in its spot until we are agreed on our logo.

Then the lighted sign on our tower gets renewed and form a single line people.
I'm not sure about a "Coming Soon" type window covering as my dad suggested. At first because of how long it was going to take. I hate coming soon's that take forever to come.  I think we are such a small community that people are well aware something is coming. I want the surprise to be big.

There's a hint if you look closely.

I've finished with most of the shop work. When the floor is finished and strong I'll have everything moved over. This will require a 'flete' which is the term for a man with a van. It's pretty cheap; around $240 for an hour, about U$10.00.
It's so cold in my shop.

Taking your calls now!

You can see the floor (better than half way) and the semi finished condition of the place as I try to make a skype call from 'work'.
It's slow  (predictable), but coming out great. I expect great things.

See you there soon!

Friday, August 19, 2011

July tough. August tougher

I've taken a respite from the floor tile. I've weeded out all the bad ones and I'm satisfied about what went wrong.
It was a real problem for a while; I had scores of tiles that didn't bond well and I wasn't sure if my cement mix was wrong or it was some other problem. The mix works, but a type of plaster was used to level the old floor that needs to be completely scraped off.
In some spots I reapplied the tiles 3 times!

The weirdest thing is how much the tile pattern matches the old floor I'm covering.  

Why add tile anyway?
 We were tagged recently, but I've grown accustomed to it. I'd have it as the name if I knew what it said.
Where are the good graffiti artists when you need one?

It's glued back together for now.
Here's Pablo Electrician below. (That's all the name he's getting from me.) He's a good guy; nice manners, friendly, etc., but I've been put off by his work habits. Wind up the complain-o-meter......Super messy for one. I blew a gasket at this broken fuse panel cover. It's the second time! He's young and may not have a lot of 'obra' (job site) experience. In the end, we got it done, together. We worked for a week finishing his last (his quote) "two more hours". He's taking night coarses to finish High School which is endearing. Ahh, Pablito.


Chero is back, rougly part time. I'm glad for the help and the company.
Here he is perfecting a newly learned skill; applying joint compound to corner bead. Looks professional, no?

The ventilation system for the kitchen is finally in place although I am not sure about the electrical connections. The engineer/salesman is helping by email.

This shot shows the space age flexible duct, suspended over the new bathroom ceiling. We broke a path just under that massive lintel (viga), gaining exactly enough space (15cm) to squeeze the duct through.

These past two weeks have been spent in the work shop with some carpentry projects that can't be postponed any longer.
The bathroom doors, ceiling access panel, closet pieces and the table tops are nearly all done. The rest, like the banquettes, the closets and the countertops, we should be able to do in situ.

Onward and upward.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Progress Report 512a

I am sick of these newspapers, need a new view.
I wish!  
This is just some cute place in a remote neighborhood.

The inside is shaping up nicely and Janine has all our licensing and paperwork under control. OK, so when will we open? Still don´t know. Electrician is nearly finished and I have begun the floor tile.

Last week was problematic with so much fĂștbol action! Uruguay´s stunning defeat of Argentina´s national team and then the big win over Paraguay for the top spot and most Copa America wins (15). Since the games were relatively close (Argentina), the electrician went to one game. Then after Sunday´s game, most of the country was busy celebrating more than working.

In a sympathy injury, I pulled a hamstring and laid low last weekend.

We still haven´t decided on a display case. It´s been tough to find the right one. We don´t need all of it refrigerated and it can´t be too wide or too deep. There are one million types and we´ve even some some good used ones, but still we remain undecided. It´s also a problem to leave the job and schlep around town.

We really like this model on the right; cooled bottom area for cakes and things, upper shelf not-so-cooled and a ´fridge behind. We just don´t want to spring for a new one, not now.

This Brazilian import was all over. It´s alright, size and all, but it only comes in hideous blue. No sale.

This retro model is a favorite (I wish it came with the classic Falcon behind it). We aren´t sure about something so old; how much time and money for repairs? Also, it may fog up. Again, just not sure.

Now, we´ve found a local company that makes them to order! I like local and I like custom. The prices are very good too. So we are getting a price on a model that is just what we have in mind.

Can you guess which one we chose?

This maniac is the plumber, he listens to scratchy fm music on some sort of walkman. It's always playing in one ear; while you talk, while he talks. It's like he's austistic and the low rattle of music calms him. He's a good guy.
Wheelbarrel Table
Latley a lot of mate on the job and it hasn't been easy on my system. I have been way over cafinated for weeks and as I'm now starting to love it, well I'm in deep.

Some days it's a mess in here.
The job is legal and the business paperwork, a Uruguyan laberynth, is nearly complete. We are thinking about design issues, furniture and the kitchen set up. Providers have promised us a bunch of equipment too, well now it's time to pony up. No firm decision on who's coffee we'll sell, so there.
On signage I have some strong favorites and a lot of input as to color scheme, placement and the synergy of our logo and packaging along with that important sign.
Anybody like the idea of an off-center, paper to-go cup slowly rotating out front on the big post we have? It would really show the logo and remind everyone that can just pop in and take a coffee away, to some other place. Yeah, it can be a real treat sometimes and we've got to get everyone in Mvd. doing more of it.
We like the sign.