Friday, August 19, 2011

July tough. August tougher

I've taken a respite from the floor tile. I've weeded out all the bad ones and I'm satisfied about what went wrong.
It was a real problem for a while; I had scores of tiles that didn't bond well and I wasn't sure if my cement mix was wrong or it was some other problem. The mix works, but a type of plaster was used to level the old floor that needs to be completely scraped off.
In some spots I reapplied the tiles 3 times!

The weirdest thing is how much the tile pattern matches the old floor I'm covering.  

Why add tile anyway?
 We were tagged recently, but I've grown accustomed to it. I'd have it as the name if I knew what it said.
Where are the good graffiti artists when you need one?

It's glued back together for now.
Here's Pablo Electrician below. (That's all the name he's getting from me.) He's a good guy; nice manners, friendly, etc., but I've been put off by his work habits. Wind up the complain-o-meter......Super messy for one. I blew a gasket at this broken fuse panel cover. It's the second time! He's young and may not have a lot of 'obra' (job site) experience. In the end, we got it done, together. We worked for a week finishing his last (his quote) "two more hours". He's taking night coarses to finish High School which is endearing. Ahh, Pablito.


Chero is back, rougly part time. I'm glad for the help and the company.
Here he is perfecting a newly learned skill; applying joint compound to corner bead. Looks professional, no?

The ventilation system for the kitchen is finally in place although I am not sure about the electrical connections. The engineer/salesman is helping by email.

This shot shows the space age flexible duct, suspended over the new bathroom ceiling. We broke a path just under that massive lintel (viga), gaining exactly enough space (15cm) to squeeze the duct through.

These past two weeks have been spent in the work shop with some carpentry projects that can't be postponed any longer.
The bathroom doors, ceiling access panel, closet pieces and the table tops are nearly all done. The rest, like the banquettes, the closets and the countertops, we should be able to do in situ.

Onward and upward.