Monday, November 22, 2010

Kitchen Nightmare

I love being Chef Ramsey in our little version of the show, but I bet he doesn't do the actual cleaning. Yuk.

The positives outweigh the negatives here by far, but as always, God is in the details.
Janine doing some considering

We are seriously considering this place, working the numbers-if you will, to asses what's being offered. 
Businesses selling their lease, with or without equipment/stock abound here and they're not so cheap. It's surprising considering most are selling a failing business. Our guy doesn't even own most of what you see (belongs to the landlord), but he does have the right to sell a chance to be the next chump to take a shot.

Down here? The next big thing performing tonight!

cool basement

A Brooklyn style coffee shop is sure to be a hit. 
We have in mind some changes to this place; in appearance and to infuse some much needed energy. It appears to be sleeping now.

It's got some style already

We are consulting anyone we think may be able to help; assembling plenty of facts and even some projections, but we can only guess at what it's actually worth. Plus, even if we find those who know enough to really guide or dissuade us, will they say?

In the end our talent, wits and perseverance will have to carry the day.


I see good things coming. 
I can even taste them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I can see it

A new location has come up and we are looking into it.  It's a bit overgrown and dull outside.  The neighborhood isn't exactly posh. It could be why this restaurant with parilla can't make it. The color scheme can't be helping. We are scheduled to see the interior and make some judgment about what exactly we'd get for the sale price and the rent.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cinema with your coffee?

As we gather facts toward deciding yeah or neigh on our latest find, we must grapple with a queer new question. Would our vision work in a setting that's joined with a movie cinema? Would any model work?
We have recently added places for rent and folks selling an existing business to our search. We've lost some of our funding and may have to abandon buying a place for now. Cecilia is a willing participant and has joined us in the search. Her contribution could play an important part in what we choose.
Marylin Cafe underwhelmed us when we visited as customers last year. We responded to the owner's ad and surprisingly he revealed the actual location straight away. Not usual here at all. We know this place.
It's a tidy little place with a corny theme and decorations. I guess it's named for Marylin Monroe, movie actress. Movie theater.....hello? Whatever. Not much space and an awkward layout we'd like to change.
The price seems reasonable, but God is in the details. 
We are doing all we can to decipher the arrangement between the landlord (the cinema) and the tenant. I'm not sure it's a fit, but definitely worth some further investigation.