We've been negotiating this spot for a while and things are set. We don't officially get the place until next week, but have the keys to help get organized.
We're already busy with city hall 'intendencia' for our permits as well as arranging everything for the renovations. Product providers and all the drama that comes with them has begun.
The front doesn't look like much yet, but that's the fun. Those gates can open all the way, which helps a lot.
Signage, an awning perhaps, tables and Voila`, there's a place to get a coffee and something delicious to eat.
It's not super wide and the good light is concentrated at the front, but it's ideal in many important ways. We love our new location; lots of potential customers near by and it's on a major boulevard, so that's a lot of exposure.
We are working the plans now for clearance with the owner as well as permission from the city. That little office sits right in the center of the place. We want to remove as much of it as possible.

There's only one bathroom, but it's a doosie.
We think there's enough room to squeeze in the two bathrooms required. I apologize in advance for the tight space, but it's what we have. No room or budget to 'create' another bathroom anywhere else.
We are keeping those groovy tiles, of course.
Congratulations!! I can't wait to watch as you guys transform it into your dream coffee shop!